
If you are having difficulty with Firefox kicking off two events simultaneously and not happening in other browsers, the issue may lie with your $(document).ready or $(window).ready events.  Normally it isn’t a problem to have multiple .ready blocks on your page.  However, I ran into a pesky bug today that only affected Firefox.  Consolidating my… Continue reading MisFire(fox)

Test credit card numbers

You don’t always have to use genuine plastic to test your shopping solution.  Check out Paypal’s list of test credit card numbers here. And if you check here the Visa one is also valid for use with Authorize.net and can be used to trigger specific responses from their system.

Get the current category name with Magento

Wish there were some friendly template tags don’t ya?  Yeah you aren’t in WordPress-land anymore. Need to show the category name anywhere? Here you go: $categoryobject = Mage::registry(‘current_category’); $category=$categoryobject->getName(); I can’t take the credit for this one though, I actually found the object reference over here.  He got me the object, I just added the… Continue reading Get the current category name with Magento

Changing your hosting plan on GoDaddy via your Account Center

This is an odd one but something worth sharing.  GoDaddy’s “Economy” Windows plan doesn’t support a component needed to install WordPress, well or use MySQL at all for that matter if this error is correct.  I think it may be more of a WordPress-specific issue, but I didn’t test MySQL connectivity outside of WordPress.  You… Continue reading Changing your hosting plan on GoDaddy via your Account Center

Categorized as Tech Tips

Toggle display of hidden files in Finder with Automator (OSX)

Do you find yourself needing to toggle the display of hidden files in Mac OSX?  Yeah, me too.   For us web developers this can often be to edit .htaccess files. For reference here is the code: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE killall Finder Don’t get me wrong, playing in Terminal is sublime geekiness but still… Continue reading Toggle display of hidden files in Finder with Automator (OSX)

Oh Flash where art thou?

Flash support was one of those items nobody even mentioned until it was painfully absent during Steve’s demo.  I can’t say I read a thread anywhere I frequent where someone was bemoaning the possible lack of Flash support on the upcoming tablet from Apple. Did anyone REALLY think they were going to roll it out… Continue reading Oh Flash where art thou?

Categorized as Apple, Gear

The iPad: part 1

The iPad.  The anticipation of its arrival hit levels not seen since the release of the original iPhone. Surely, Apple seeded some of the bits of info here and there to raise the furor.  But the online masses had no problem using its imagination to guess just what it might be.  In the end though… Continue reading The iPad: part 1

Categorized as Apple, Gear

Moving to a new domain with WordPress

Changing domains with WordPress doesn’t have to be a headache.  You might think that simply updating your wp_options table in the database might be enough… or that perhaps you could do it in… you know, the wp-config file?  Well, you would be part right.  Changing your database values for ‘home’ and ‘siteurl’ are key to… Continue reading Moving to a new domain with WordPress