I recently became the proud owner of a new Retina Macbook Pro. I have replaced my gaming computer, 2 Mac Pros, a Macbook Pro, and a Lenovo T420 all with this beast. I don’t game much these days but I have possibly on occasion played some World of Warcraft. Performance even at full resolution was… Continue reading Retina Macbook Pro – Framerate issues and a fix
Category: Apple
Downloading past purchases from iTunes (or your other devices)
It has been awhile since I felt the desire to blog, things have been really busy. But this tip was just too good not to share! Have you ever wanted to re-download something from iTunes? I sure have. One example was a TV Season I bought for the kids a while back, Backyardigans Season 3.… Continue reading Downloading past purchases from iTunes (or your other devices)
How to install a beta version of iOS on an iPhone
If you are an iOS (iPhone/iPad) developer you might want to try the latest beta release on your device. To do so you will need to do a complete restore. But rather than install the latest available to the public you will want to use the latest beta. Once you have downloaded and mounted the… Continue reading How to install a beta version of iOS on an iPhone
Consumer Reports on the iPhone
The Consumer Reports article slamming the new iPhone 4 is making major waves throughout the media. The issue has been circulating quite a bit now in the blogosphere but seems to have really made it mainstream now. I can easily reproduce the issue on my phone. And it is clear that many people can as well.… Continue reading Consumer Reports on the iPhone
Magic Mouse detected, but cannot configure fix
I picked up a couple of Magic Mice recently. I wasn’t sure how I would like them but so far I am enjoying the multitouch goodness. One thing that I ran into unfortunately is when paired with my Macbook Pro things didn’t work quite right. I could pair it easily, and even move the cursor,… Continue reading Magic Mouse detected, but cannot configure fix
Toggle display of hidden files in Finder with Automator (OSX)
Do you find yourself needing to toggle the display of hidden files in Mac OSX? Yeah, me too. For us web developers this can often be to edit .htaccess files. For reference here is the code: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE killall Finder Don’t get me wrong, playing in Terminal is sublime geekiness but still… Continue reading Toggle display of hidden files in Finder with Automator (OSX)
Oh Flash where art thou?
Flash support was one of those items nobody even mentioned until it was painfully absent during Steve’s demo. I can’t say I read a thread anywhere I frequent where someone was bemoaning the possible lack of Flash support on the upcoming tablet from Apple. Did anyone REALLY think they were going to roll it out… Continue reading Oh Flash where art thou?
The iPad: part 1
The iPad. The anticipation of its arrival hit levels not seen since the release of the original iPhone. Surely, Apple seeded some of the bits of info here and there to raise the furor. But the online masses had no problem using its imagination to guess just what it might be. In the end though… Continue reading The iPad: part 1