Do you find yourself needing to toggle the display of hidden files in Mac OSX? Yeah, me too. For us web developers this can often be to edit .htaccess files. For reference here is the code: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE killall Finder Don’t get me wrong, playing in Terminal is sublime geekiness but still… Continue reading Toggle display of hidden files in Finder with Automator (OSX)
Category: OSX
Making the most out of Dropbox with symlinks
Dropbox is great. It is a folder where you can drop your files and have them sync into the cloud securely and sync them with any computers you want. I primarily use this for syncing my MacOS keychains between my Mac Pro and Macbook Pro. This in combination with MobileMe ensures that almost everything is… Continue reading Making the most out of Dropbox with symlinks
Clean up Finder’s “Open With” menu
Recently VLC started showing up twice in my “Open With” menu in OSX Snow Leopard. In fact one of the links didn’t even work so I wanted to clean it up. This of course wouldn’t just apply to VLC, other apps can cause it as well. This list is built over time based upon the… Continue reading Clean up Finder’s “Open With” menu