Toggle display of hidden files in Finder with Automator (OSX)

Do you find yourself needing to toggle the display of hidden files in Mac OSX?  Yeah, me too.   For us web developers this can often be to edit .htaccess files. For reference here is the code: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE killall Finder Don’t get me wrong, playing in Terminal is sublime geekiness but still… Continue reading Toggle display of hidden files in Finder with Automator (OSX)

Fluid application changes the way you work with web apps

I just downloaded and started using Fluid.  This application lets you wrap your web applications into a Cocoa desktop application also known as an  SSB (site-specific browser). This is cool for a number of reasons but most importantly your workflow.  I have been wanting something like this for a while now because I find there… Continue reading Fluid application changes the way you work with web apps