BSOD Blue Screen of Death in your Virtual Machine using Fusion and Windows 7

Ahhh VMware Fusion and Windows 7.  The thought must upset the stomach of a hard-core Windows zealot but is a blessing for those who prefer Macs and can’t part ways with the other platform.  Personally I use and enjoy both 😉 So if you have recently found yourself reinstalling Windows 7 you might be staring… Continue reading BSOD Blue Screen of Death in your Virtual Machine using Fusion and Windows 7

Categorized as Tech Tips

Sharepoint and the Invalid page URL error

I am working on a custom list for Sharepoint WSS.  This involves creating a custom master which applies only to the new entry form for the list.  This by itself has its own issues.  You might think you can simply just change the name of your master from “default.master” to “custom.master” wouldn’t you?  Well partner,… Continue reading Sharepoint and the Invalid page URL error